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To Da Front with Mitch - 6/29/17

This edition comes a little late as we've been busy with preparations and other events on our schedule.  Since the Waterford results from June 24th are still being prepared to be posted, we will address that event in our next release.  Also, this Saturday July 1st we'll be at New Hampshire Motor Speedway with the NEMST.  Admission is only $20 and you get 4 big feature races on New Englands NASCAR track.

We started the feature on the outside pole, our best starting spot in our short career up there.  With a little help going into turn 1, and again going into turn 3,  we were able to take the lead and lead our first career lap as a NASCAR Mini Stock at the Big T.  After that we were quickly overtaken by the 87 car, and he checked out.  Meanwhile we were running a solid 3rd for much of the race in a clean and exciting side by side battle with Doug Curry.  The car started to drift off in the closing laps and the 2 car was pulling away from us in 4th. That's when the 16 and 21 cars ended up overtaking us also in a tight battle at the line where we walked away 6th.  This was an exciting day for us and it was good to see our hard work pay off.  We hope to carry this momentum in the next Thompson race on July 8th.

We started the feature on the outside pole, our best starting spot in our short career up there.  With a little help going into turn 1, and again going into turn 3,  we were able to take the lead and lead our first career lap as a NASCAR Mini Stock at the Big T.  After that we were quickly overtaken by the 87 car, and he checked out.  Meanwhile we were running a solid 3rd for much of the race in a clean and exciting side by side battle with Doug Curry.  The car started to drift off in the closing laps and the 2 car was pulling away from us in 4th. That's when the 16 and 21 cars ended up overtaking us also in a tight battle at the line where we walked away 6th.  This was an exciting day for us and it was good to see our hard work pay off.  We hope to carry this momentum in the next Thompson race on July 8th.

Click here for on board video.

Click here to watch the race via fanschoice

**Andover Used Auto Parts, Biggins’ Auto Repair, So Sorry, Lucky Strike Lanes, Thirty Marketing. **

Mitch Bombard, driver of the #10CT Enduro, NEMST Car, Mini Stock,  is the writer of the weekly recaps, and expresses the views of his own from his viewpoint behind the wheel, and after watching video (if available).

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